Thoughts of a Teacher

The Choice of Words

Which word is to be used, when, and where? What kind of words are to be used, and in which situations? How do you choose the right word in the right situation? Why should you be careful about choosing words? Improper word choice leads to certain misunderstandings and chaos. It may make a situation awkward and uncertain. Mark Twain, the famous writer, has said, ‘The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.’ In other words, instead of getting an electric charge, you may get an insect.

A word may have several synonyms. For example, the synonyms of the word ‘big’ are: bulky, burly, colossal, considerable, elephantine, enormous, extensive, giant, gigantic, great, huge, immense, large, mammoth, massive, ponderous, prodigious, substantial, vast, etc. are some of them. But remember, no two words have the same meaning. They have different shades of meaning, and they are different in different situations. This means we have to choose the right word for that situation. If you choose the wrong word for a situation, you’ll have a negative impact on the audience.

The choice of the right words and the use of words reveal the attitude and personality of a person. Linguists consider language a cultural, social and psychological phenomenon. No one doubts that the words we write or speak are an expression of our inner thoughts and personalities. Whenever you choose the right word, go for a familiar word rather than words that you don’t know. Remember that ‘less is more’ with word choice. If a simple word works, don’t go for a flowery word.

Think of the choice of words we use to talk with our father. It will be different from the words that we use to talk with our mother. The talk between a father and mother will not be similar to the talk between a parent and a teacher. What about parents and their children? How does a politician talk to his voters before the election and after being elected? Will there be any difference?

Classroom Activity

Ask the students to write down the topics of their talk at home. Ask them to brainstorm words that could be used in such a talk.

News Summary - Thoughts of a Teacher

വായനക്കാരുടെ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ അവരുടേത്​ മാത്രമാണ്​, മാധ്യമത്തി​േൻറതല്ല. പ്രതികരണങ്ങളിൽ വിദ്വേഷവും വെറുപ്പും കലരാതെ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക. സ്​പർധ വളർത്തുന്നതോ അധിക്ഷേപമാകുന്നതോ അശ്ലീലം കലർന്നതോ ആയ പ്രതികരണങ്ങൾ സൈബർ നിയമപ്രകാരം ശിക്ഷാർഹമാണ്​. അത്തരം പ്രതികരണങ്ങൾ നിയമനടപടി നേരിടേണ്ടി വരും.